Integrating the Four Modalities of the Body, Heart, Mind, and Soul
Body-Energy Works to Release any Negative Accumulation of Energy
Welcome to the EiR Healing Room. Four different healing therapies that release any negative emotions in your body and heart: Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Bach Flower Remedies, and Card Reading.
This healing room is named after Eir (pronounced: AIR), the Norse goddess of healing and medicine. The name means "mercy" or "protection, help" in Old Norse. Ms. Eri welcomes the opportunity to support her clients by giving careful consideration to their feelings.
Therapist ● Eri Taniguchi

Ms. Eri was born in Kyoto, Japan.
After studying traditional Japanese culture at the University in Kobe, she has taught Japanese language and culture in many different places, including Sydney, Osaka, Singapore, Kyoto and Bangkok.
While in Sydney, Ms. Eri discovered both Reiki and the essence of flowers, and this experience changed her life in many ways. Since then she started healing herself by seeking her life's purpose. She met many teachers and mentors to guide her along the healing pathway, and she started healing others at the Omroom in Bangkok as a Reiki practitioner.
Opening the EiR Healing Room is the extension of her passion for healing and teaching.
In 2009, Ms Eri completed the third degree of Komyo Reiki, and was initiated by Hyakuten Sensei at the Komyo Reiki-Do in Kyoto.
Further, she completed the Master and Teacher degrees in Orion Reiki, and was initiated by Martin at the Orion Healing Center in Koh Phangan in 2013.
Ms. Eri studied the Bach Flower Remedies with Miki in Bangkok in 2013, and
trained in Chi Nei Tsang Massage with Keiko at the Meditation Chi Nei Tsang in Chiang Mai in 2017.